Earrrrrly in the Mornin' (ya gotta get up!)

(think GAP Band, early 80's. Anyway...)

I memorized Mark 1:35 years ago and it's principle has seen me through thick and thin: Early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got off by himself to spend time with the Father.

What's the principle? Spend time with the Lord EVERY DAY.

Think about it: Jesus, of all people, knew that, in order to make it through the day - a day of healing the sick, raising the dead, casting out demons and discipling the disciples, he needed to get alone with God the Father and request the strength, peace and guidance necessary to navigate the impending tasks. And if JESUS knew this is where his help would be found, surely we need to follow his example so that we'll be able to make it through the many, many details of our days - forgiving a loved one, offering kindness to someone undeserving, being patient with our children, acting with integrity at work, finding the humility to apologize to a friend or your spouse.

So if you're in need today, why not get alone with God? Jesus did. I just did. It's THE most important thing you'll do today.

Don't be afraid, he can handle anything (trust me)...your rants, your failures, your requests (big and small) and your cries for mercy. He wants to hold your hand and live in relationship with you. But relationships take time. So take the time...make the time. If you do, there'll be nothing this world can throw at you that will cause you to topple. 

Yeah, I learned a long time ago that, when the alarm goes off, don't be tempted to push the snooze button. A meeting with the Lover of my soul awaits...why would I even consider missing it?

GAP Band - Early in the Morning https://youtu.be/TK2gXe1sIoQ

Blog PostJulie Tate