Back to the Basics

Hi friends.

Thanks for your patience as God keeps me on this “radical sabbatical.” It’s real, trust me. I’m learning, growing, healing and praying AND trusting the Lord to show me when to get “back in the saddle.”

For today though, I can’t help but offer a quick sermonette based on something my pastor shared this last Sunday. He was teaching on the basics of christianity. He said...

“We need to get back to the basics of our faith. What does this mean? We should always be the kindest person in the restaurant, the most patient driver on the road, the best forgive-er and the easiest to deal with in a long grocery store line. We should be the breath of fresh air to any situation, the most compassionate volunteer, the un-compainer and the most generous with our time/finances. We should be the least judgmental, the most gentle and the highest praise-er. This was Jesus and this must be his followers.”


Now before you go and get all guilty…don’t. This is not my intention nor was it my pastor’s. Instead, let this timely reminder act as a type of conviction; a type of motivation to put on spiritual things and put off secular notions. You’ll be much happier, I promise.

(NOTE:   Beware of attempting this on your own. Without the power of the Holy Spirit working within you, you’ll be tempted to look to others for your motivation. Don’t. Look to Jesus. It’s HIS grace for you that leads YOU to have grace for OTHERS).

See you next time.