
Many years ago a friend and I set out to purge the unkind thoughts in our minds AS WELL AS to make sure those thoughts didn’t reach our lips in the form of slander, gossip, criticism or self-righteousness . We did this by giving ourselves a snap with the rubber band we were wearing on our wrists. We both remember that, slowly but surely, the pain of the potential snap outweighed the need to speak in an unwholesome way.

I remember this being an excellent drill. It reminds me though to try it again remembering that the knowledge that I’ve dishonored the Lord in my thoughts and/or actions should far outweigh the potential pain of the rubber band snap. Ephesians 4:29 tells us Let no unwholesome talk come out of your mouth. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

So let me end this short but pointed post with a prayer…a prayer for myself that I hope all who read it might pray as well.

Oh Lord…help me. I want less & less pain by honoring You more & more. I know the evidence of my personal relationship with you becomes a reality in my private prayers because these prayers produce a spiritual dynamism that all those around me should see. I KNOW You respond when I approach You with a sincere, humble heart. Give me the eyes of an enlightened heart (Ephesians 1:18, part) so that Your will may be accomplished in my willing soul. Amen.

For more enrichment, check out the following YouTube, Holy Spirit, Living Breath of God, the Gettys

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